In the wide panorama of offers and possibilities available today, it’s often difficult to
identify the most suitable instrumentation for your needs in relation to your goals,
both in terms of performance and cost-effectiveness. Our long experience, thanks
to decades of collaboration with points of reference of the market, is at your
disposal for a choice that can satisfy current and future needs, within the
established budget.
Our large offer includes most of the instruments needed for an analytical laboratory. Here is a short list of the most commonly distributed equipment. Get in touch and we'll get back to you shortly.
Each brand and each line of instruments and equipment has its own peculiarities: portability, accuracy, possibility of interfacing with the data network, ratio between investment value and duration over time. With the support of our staff you will be able to analyze the whole range of possibilities offered by the market.
If you have already identified the right instrument for your needs and you’re looking for the best supply conditions with an eye to pre- and post-sales assistance, contact us. You will receive our quotation in a very short time. Many instruments, for commissioning, require the issue of a calibration certificate. Our centre LAT N° 186 can carry out all the necessary calibrations with the issue of certificates in support of the instruments. Our technical staff, when required, is always available for training in the use.
You have already chosen the instrument, but you still have some doubts? Ask us and you will receive all the support you need to understand if the choice made is the best for the application area, frequency of use, compliance with the parameters set by your activity, including costs.
Chemifarm can answer these and many other questions.
You can write us a message directly from here. Come on, what are you waiting for?